We would like to remind you to register for Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) if you have not already done so.

NEW Password Requirements effective January 1, 2023:

  • Password length is 14 characters
  • ITS recommends using pass-phrases
  • Passwords/phrases must contain characters from three of the following categories:
    • Uppercase letters (A through Z)
    • Lowercase letters (a through z)
    • Numbers (0 through 9)
    • Special characters (!  $  #  %)
  • Do not use blank spaces as they can cause issues with some systems!

NOTE: You will only be able to change your password once per 24-hr period

Registering is required in order to use the Password Reset feature and Student Multi-factor Authentication.

You can complete the sign-up process using your existing credentials (username and password) that you use to login today.

Next steps

After you have registered, if you ever forget your password, you may reset it here yourself without assistance. You may also select “Can’t access your account?” on the Microsoft sign-in page to reset or unlock your account from any device.

Sspr Example



FTCC ITS department

Note: If you have not registered yourself and are attempting to reset your password please contact the IT Service Desk (910-678-8502) for assistance to get reset and registered.